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Amazon Photos
Apple iCloud photos to Google Photos
Download Google Photos for local backup
Exporting notes from Werdsmith
Exporting photos from Flickr
Exporting TickTick backup to Things
Exporting Vimeo videos for use elsewhere
Google Contacts export and import
Google Photos archive to online storage/backup
Google Photos to Apple iCloud photos
iCloud Contacts to Export and Reimport
Importing your Goodreads book history into Storygraph
Instagram Photos - how to save or access your own copy on a device
Meta (Facebook, Instagram) Photos transfer via DTP to online storage/backup or alternative photo service
Meta (Facebook) Posts and Notes transfer via DTP
Microsoft Streams Videos export
Moving Newsletter off Substack
Netflix Viewing History
Sharing your Goodreads book reading activity with Shelf
Tiktok Video Browsing History
Transfering and exporting Todoist tasks
Transfering Evernote content anywhere
Transfer music playlists between Apple Music and YouTube Music
Transferring your Instagram post/video viewing history elsewhere
Use Songshift iOS app to synchronize playlists between services
Use Soundiiz service to synchronize playlists between music services
YouTube Videos from one account to another
Youtube video watching history
If none of these solutions work for you, we'd love to learn why!
Information about use cases helps us understand and advocate for the portability features and interoperability features that would be most helpful.
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