Netflix Viewing History

Netflix offers an interface to download your personal data via their website. Within the Account Settings Overview page, the Edit Settings option provides first a "Viewing Activity" subpage with a list of episodes viewed, without further information. Separately, under Security within Account Settings, the "Personal Info Access" option provides an interface to request a download of viewing data. No further customizations or options are provided. The user is informed that this process may take up to 30 days; however it can also happen in a matter of hours.

Successful execution of an information access request results in an email with a link to re-authenticate (through password entry) followed by a downloadable ZIP archive, which includes a cover sheet and CSV files including viewing history, interaction history, profile information, and a broad range of additional data. A PDF "Cover Page" describes the files and data included in the request.

For users who are not owners of an account but whose email address is associated with a profile in the account, Netflix's reference page suggests the user can email privacy at netflix dot com to request a copy of their personal activity data.

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